Author: <span>jerbskorn</span>

Creating great or even good content has never been easy. But now it seems like it is harder than ever before. There are new rules, and there are different audiences. No longer are you just writing for your customers or enthusiasts. You are now writing for social audiences, that expect you to be just that […]

Search engine optimization is one of the key forces in driving traffic to your website. The better the SEO, the better the traffic, and more importantly, the better the conversion of that traffic on your site. Whether you are looking for increased phone calls, mapped directions to your front door or your only KPI is […]

The age old question continues to come up time and time again – ‘should I price my product online?’ Which is usually shortly followed up, with ‘my business is different because I sell this product, and this product’s consumers are different than everyone else’s’. We are here to tell you, unless you are selling a […]

One of the most interesting things about working in automotive advertising and marketing, is working within an industry that is always open to the cutting edge. Of course we’ve all learned that we are a very ADD industry as well. If it doesn’t prove itself to be financially feasible – a good ROI AND ROE […]

Dealers, your website is a very important marketing tool. It has a lot of work to do, and with a very viable customer – far into the sales journey. It is important that your website provide the potential customer with the information they are seeking – from vehicle information to dealer differentiation and reputation. What […]

The consumer journey to the purchase of a vehicle is a long, and often hard one to track and provide solid management advice towards. As often discussed with clients, there is no one media that will sell a vehicle for you – successful auto advertising is about your dealership’s share of touch points within that […]

Social Media and SMM, or Social Media Marketing, has been taking the world by storm, increasing by leaps and bounds in just the last few years. One forward thinking, early adopter group, is missing from this huge marketing undertaking and that is the local dealership. Why are dealers not doing a better job as Social […]

In an article about the renewed relationship with Google and Twitter, Ad Age Magazine makes some great points about the power of these two entities working together. It is imperative that your advertisers, and those you market and socialize, understand the positive AND negative results that can come from this relationship – and how to […]

One of  the most valuable assets that a dealer lost within the world of online advertising and marketing was loyalty to the store, or to a particular salesperson. No longer was it, ‘I shopped there because my father did.’ Or ‘I bought my car from her, because that’s who my mother always did business with.’ In a world […]